Friday, October 16, 2009

LOL - Cats

LOL this made me laugh. I stumbled in to it browsing a site. I bet it's from

*Edit: Pic was deleted.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Midterms are this week~ Been busy. I have an interesting video I have that I'll put up about fish running away from shadows.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

KongZi(Confucius) and the Analects of

"Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese thought and life."

I've read a little and heard about Confucius. I've yet to go in depth about any of his writings and philosophies. According to my Chinese friend in Qingdoa I should read Analects of Confucius then I will know China and the Chinese a lot more. Apparently that is how they learned their customs and behaviors etc. that carries on today although times are changing. As a philosophy major, I will inevitably cross paths with this hugely impactful man. Here's a link my friend gave me to possibly the entire book though I plan to buy a translated version in time:

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Well I finally did it. I made a blog. After the initial thought arose months ago to make one I did it. I wanted to practice my writing and thought that if I would just keep writing I would improve. That's what made me think of making a blog, but I realized(although i knew) that there is so much more to this than just writing. So much potential. Anyhow, some information about myself and the site:

I am 25 years old living in the steel city of Pittsburgh, Pa. I recently decided to go back to school (which I'll get in to later) about a year ago and finish my degree. I intend to transfer next year and double major in pre-med/biology and philosophy. You can expect a lot of posts relating to these subjects/areas of study.

Why the title of the blog?

Well first I expect my random self to have random posts on random topics. Key word random. Therefore the Title Pandora's Thoughts seemed some what appropriate. The subtitle A Journey relates to me, my personal quests and the inevitable road ahead that is before us/me.